Kia Tyres

Maintaining the pressure, tread, and condition of your tyres is essential to your road safety, your vehicle’s handling and even its fuel efficiency.

The tread grooves on your tyre help to evacuate the water from the contact patch between your tyre and the road surface, so your car can grip the road properly. In wet conditions, tyres with a good tread depth can typically clear enough water from the road to fill a bucket in around 7 seconds!

Without sufficient tread depth your tyres may not be able to cope properly and you face an increased risk of aquaplaning. If this has ever happened to you, you’ll know what a frightening experience this can be as you have no control of the car.

What Can You Do?

Improving your safety in the wet and reducing your aquaplaning risk is simple. You just need to check your tyres’ tread depth regularly and replace your tyres when they are becoming worn.

The legal minimum tread depth for cars in the UK is 1.6mm across the central three-quarters of the tyre around its entire circumference. Driving on tyres which are below this limit is not only dangerous but illegal and you could face a fine of up to £2,500 and three penalty points for each tyre!

To see if your tyres have enough tread depth, you just need to take the 20p test. Simply take a 20p coin and place it in the main grooves of your tyre. If you can see the outer band of the 20p coin when it’s placed in the tyre, then the tyres may be dangerous and illegal and should be inspected by a professional, so contact Milton Keynes or Southend Suzuki today!

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